african violet club of philadelphia
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African Violet Society of Philadelphia
2015 Annual Show

'Violets Go Hawaiian'

african violet photo

Best in Show

Best in Show/Tricolor
Best Standard / Best Variegated
Mindy Rose
Karen Dirzuweit

2nd best in show

Second Best in Show
Best Species
S. 5h clone velutina
Judy Smith

3rd best in show

Third Best in Show
Best Miniature
Frilly Bells
Margaret DePhillippo

best semi mini

Best Semiminiature
Thunder Surprise
Lindi Smith

best trailer

Best Trailer
Judy Smith

best optimara

Best Optimara
Optimara EverBeautiful
Mark Griffith


best lyndon lyons

Best Lyndon Lyons
Victorian Ribbons
Neil Lipson


best fantasy

Baltimore AV-Best Fantasy
Mardi Gras Madness
Judy Smith

best species challenge plant

Best Species Challenge Plant
S. 5c1 clone ionantha Mather
No. 20
Karen Dirzuweit

best gesneriad

Best Gesneriad
Best Other Gesneriad in Bloom
Primulina 'Aiko'
Stephanie Griffith


best streptocarpus

Best Streptocarpus
Streptocarpus 'Dancing Doves'
Stephanie Griffith

best design

Best Design/Tricolor
Best Interpretive Plant Arrangement
Karen Dirzuweit

best cotainer garden

Best Container Garden
"Terrarium or bottle garden"
Karen Dirzuweit

best flower arrangement

Best Interpretive Flower Arrangement
"Hawaiian Lei"
Karen Dirzuweit

best novice design

Best Novice Design
Terrariam Challenge
Conna Clark

court of honor

AVSP 2015 Show
'African Violets Go Hawaiian'

Horticulture Sweepstakes
14 blue ribbons
Lindi Smith

Runner-Up to Horticulture Sweepstakes
6 blue ribbons
Judy Smith

Design Sweepstakes
6 blue ribbons
Karen Dirzuweit

Booth Photos      
Show Photos        
2014 2013
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Photographs and Website Designed By Florence Brems